Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Over the weekend we had a visitor. Isn't he cute!!! I do think he was blind though because if we were fairly quiet, he would ignore us. Once the screen door slammed a bit and he waddled back under the porch but he came back out a minute or 2 later. Nothing was going to keep him from his food!

The night before last we also had 3 raccoons visit our backyard (it sounded like they were throwing a party!) It woke us both up around 2 am. We finally got a good look at them when they all congregated on our neighbors roof and our fence by the guest room. We turned on the outside light and went to the guest room where we were able to look at them out the window about a foot away! They growled at us and seemed a bit bothered but not enough to leave. I think Jamie got back to sleep around 3 and me about 3:30 or 4. Luckily they did not come back last night but they sure were cute!!!

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