Thursday, October 25, 2007

So our little one is a fetus as of today, no longer an embryo. If you would like to see some more cool info check out this site. Visible Embryo

Monday, October 15, 2007

I know it has been a while, I've just been so caught up in baby stuff that it seems like nothing else is going on in my life and since this is not a baby blog...

Well I will mention that we had another doctor appointment today and actually saw the baby wiggling around! I am 9 weeks and 2 days and am officially released from my specialist. I still haven't told work so if you work with me and read this please don't spread the news. Thanks!

Renee and I went up to Lompoc this weekend to visit Julia. She is having a bit of a tough time (to say the least) right now. I won't get into the details but her beloved cat, Domino, had to be put to sleep last week. So Renee and I wanted to go give her some love and that is what we did. I think we all had a great weekend. Wine tasting on Saturday (side not, not so much fun to go wine tasting when you are pregnant!) a lovely lunch, yummy dinner and bed by 9 (well for me at least!) On Sunday we went to church and it was a joy to hear Julia preach. She really is such an amazing pastor and I don't understand why the entire town of Lompoc is not filling the pews on Sunday mornings.

Anyways, please offer up a prayer for Julia, she can use them right now.