Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Well, today is a big day!!! Close your eyes and picture it, 2 years ago.. the sky is grey....the air is moist... scratch that.. the air is damp..... no that's not it ... what word am I looking for.... hmmmm... that's right there was no air... it was all water! Basically we were breathing in rain! There I was in my pretty little white dress... thinking about the grassy area under the trees where the wedding was supposed to take place...ah but it did work out, didn't it? Again.... please let me thank everyone that rode in their canoe to get to our wedding. It still lives on as the most memorable wedding I have ever been to! I hope the dripping roof and Julia almost catching on fire in front of the fireplace have left your memories. It was all worth it because Jamie and I are happier now than even that wonderful day. Now if only that luck that everyone talked about the rain bringing would arrive.... or has it already? We are still married aren't we? Hope everyone has a wonderful day on this our 2 Year Wedding Anniversary!

Friday, February 09, 2007

You may have wondered what our status is on making a family bigger than just myself and Jamie. Well we are working on it and have been for almost a year now. We thought it would only take a couple of months so we didn't talk about it too much. Now that it has progressed out of our hands I asked Jamie if he was ok with me talking about it on here. Obviously he is since you are now reading this :)

We decided to talk to a specialist in December and I am glad we did. It turns out that Jamie is 100% ok but I am a little off. It turns out that age does have something to do with it. I have a high FSH (Follicle Stimulating Hormone) number which comes with age. It means that my body has to work extra hard to produce an egg every month which makes it harder for me (but not impossible) to get pregnant.

So what now? Well I am going to weekly accupuncture appointments to help lower the FSH (It has been documented to work) and today I started injecting a drug called Bravelle. I will do this every day and then I will do a final injection to force ovulation. Jamie and I will then go through an IUI procedure. (I won't go into the details just in case someone is reading that doesn't really want to know them :)

We are hoping this will do the trick! There is a bonus in our eyes, there is only a 20% chance of this working but if it does, there is a 30% chance of multiples. We are actually hoping for twins although we would be exstatic for just one!

I hope this isn't more information than you wanted. I have found that some people get uncomfortable with the subject and change it quickly. I won't be putting much more about it on this blog (I am actually keeping a separate blog that is detailing all the steps from the past year) but I wanted all of you to be aware.

I am happy to talk about this more with anyone that is interested. I don't think having a bit of trouble getting pregnant should be a taboo subject. It actually saddens me that it isn't more in the open. Once you start talking about it you find out how common it really is.

By the way, just in case you aren't sure what to say to Jamie, myself or anyone else going through this, please DON'T say the following:
- Just relax or be patient and it will happen (this is so very untrue)
- If you adopt you will get pregnant (you only hear the stories of this happening but there are many more stories where it doesn't)
- Maybe it's not God's plan for you to get pregnant (I don't think it is God's plan for people to get sick either but noone suggests they should just live with an illness.)

I have heard variations on these and they do actually hurt and don't help even if they are said out of compassion and love. Please just ask how things are going and then listen to the answer. That is the most giving thing a friend can do. If you don't feel comfortable talking or hearing about it that is ok too! Please just keep us in your prayers. Thanks!

Monday, February 05, 2007

We bought a new White Peach tree to go in front of our living room/dining room windows! Isn't it pretty! We are sooooo happy with it. Lots of pink buds now mean lots of peaches around May!