Thursday, March 29, 2007

A little update on the baby front. We have completed 2 IUI cycles and although Jamie did a great job injecting me with drugs, they still didn't work. So we are moving on to #3. We are willing (financially and emotionally) to try 3 more times so hopefully we will have some good news for you all by the summer BBQ!

Good news though.... my insurance company had denied my acupuncture claims and I filed an appeal. Well I won and they paid them so I get to start going back to acupuncture starting tomorrow. I am very excited about this! (Yeah, Jamie poking me with needles just isn't enough!)

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

The screen door is about 90% done! On Saturday we fit the door in and put on all the hardware. Here's a pic of Jamie shaving the side of the door jamb, shockingly it was crooked. I know, how can that be on our perfect house???? Tom is cutting in where the hardware will go on the door itself. After we were done, we took everything off so I can paint it white. I've got the primer on so far and hope to finish the rest of the painting this week so we can have it up on the weekend! YAY! What a great project this has been!

On Sunday we went to the Sierra Madre Wisteria Festival thanks to Katherine's suggestion. It was really beautiful!

Friday, March 23, 2007

WOW, we are getting alot of requests for the tomatoes! I hope they all keep growing and that they are very yummy!

My uncle Tom and I have been working on building a screen door for the back door. Jamie and I had a LOT of wasps in the house 2 weekends ago and thought they were coming in the back door since we like to leave it open. It's been a lot of fun building the screen door and it's coming out great! I can't wait for everyone to see it at our June BBQ (yes, of course I am already thinking about the BBQ!)

On other house news.... our neighbors poured their new driveway yesterday.... or as I like to call it... the Parking Lot. It can hold about 8 cars and I am not exaggerating. It looks terrible, their entire front is cement. Just awful. I can't believe anyone would like cement that much.... argh.. gettting myself angry... I must stop thinking about it now....
have a good weekend and if you have a handy jackhammer, come on over :)

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

The tomatoes are ready! The tomatoes are ready!!!

As you know, Jamie has been nurturing his little babies along and tons of them have responded. He thinks that about half of them are ready to leave the roost. Check out these links that describe the kinds of tomatoes he is growing and drop me an email at if you want one or two or three! Just let me know what kind(s) and how many you want. We have 170 so we should be able to give you as many as you want.





Monday, March 19, 2007

Just in case you were interested in knowing more about my infertility issues, here is a great website that explains it a bit better.

See the pretty birdies? Yesterday they wouldn't leave the front porch, they just kept flitting around up there. We can't see a nest or anything so not sure what they are doing. Maybe scoping it out for a future home? Orangie had a great time sitting on the couch watching them!

While I was taking the pic of the birdies, I decided to take this one too. I think the orange plants look really pretty!

Tomato time!!! Here is Jamies current greenhouse. YAY, he moved them off the dining table (he thinks the new windows block too much UV and they weren't growing well enough.) Make sur eyou let us know if you want one (or 2 or 3!!!) They are 170 plants I think!

Friday, March 16, 2007

OK, this is the funniest blog ever: I found out about it yesterday and was almost crying it was so funny. Even if you have no interest in babies or baby making, check it out.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

We had a fun night! We went to a wrap party for the show Jamie is working on, Big Love. It was at the hotel across from the Beverly Center and seemed very fancy. My star sighting was the dad from Pretty in Pink (one of my favorite movies of all time!) Well he is in Big Love so he was there. The best part was when they showed a clips montage that Jamie and the other assistant had made. They producer for the show even thanked them beforehand. Very cool. The montage was very good too, even though I have never seen the show it made me laugh. So we got home after 12 and I had to ditch my mom on walking... Oh well.

Monday, March 12, 2007

Whew! It's hot outside! If anyone reads this that isn't in LA well let me just tell you! It's hot! Breaking records hot! No you didn't click on the weather site.. I'm just saying, it's hot!!!!

OK, enough of that. The hot brought out the wasps. Lots of them. Jamie had to get 5 of them out of the house yesterday. OK, now you non LA people feel better, don't you?

Friday, March 09, 2007

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MEGANN!!!!! Clear the roads!!! She is now 16!!!! I happen to know she doesn't quite have her license yet and won't for a few more days so enjoy this weekend and drive without fear! But watch out, here she comes! (And I can't wait!)

Hmmm... 16... remember when?? Oh my.... I'll keep my memories to myself!

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

The best picture ever!!! Well maybe not but cut us some slack, it's a camera phone. That's Gen and me at Christina Aguilera last night! Woo hoo!!! What fun we had! No... we aren't too old to go to a teeny bopper concert!

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

OMG! Disregard my below post! Her parents showed up thank goodness! Long story short, they thought they called 2 days ago and her mom was sick so they just kept driving and didn't think much of it. She is now making them get a cell phone. Ayyy yiiii ! What a day!
OK, prayers are needed ASAP. My friend Carolyn's parents are missing. They were driving across country from her sisters and were last heard from on Thursday. They always call either Carolyn or her sister every day. She has checked their credit cards and they have not been used since Thursday. They can be anywhere between here and Tennessee so the search is pretty wide. I think Carolyn and her family are doing everything they can at this point so we need to help and pray for her and her family. Thanks.

Monday, March 05, 2007

What is Jamie doing you might ask???? Well that's a good question that you will all be involved in! He loves growing things as you all know. Well he ordered a bunch of heirloom tomato seed off the internet and started them in our house. He didn't expect many of them to sprout but it seems they ALL did! Here he is transferring them from the "bassinets" to their "cribs". Once they are ready to move to their "toddler beds" we will start giving them out. Let me know if you want some! Coming up next.... watermelons, squash, onions and cucumbers.... Where is this farm space he thinks we have???

Here are a couple pics to make you smile on this Monday morning. Well they make me smile and that's all that matters! If you smile too, that's icing on the cake! Here is Orangie on the eighbors new roof.

Friday, March 02, 2007

So for those of you that are curious, I took a test today and it was negative. I think this chance is over (for other reasons too) so onto the next month. Thank you for all of your well wishes, I will keep you updated.

Looking forward to a good weekend though! Going shopping tomorrow with a friend of mine that is having a baby in a few months. We will be having lunch and looking for baby furniture and stuff. I can't wait! She is a researcher and I am an impulse buyer so I think we will shop well together and it will give me lots of ideas for later!

Have a good weekend, go for a hike! It's beautiful out!