Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Hope you all had a great 3 day weekend!!! I got the kitchen packed with the help of my mom. A good thing about never cooking is that you can pack up the whole kitchen, plan not to use anything for at least 2 weeks and not miss it at all! I then took my mom and uncle to The Great Greek restaraunt in Studio City and they loved it! I did too as it tastes just like our meals in Greece and I can remember them so clearly!

My mom and I are doing the final walk through on the house tomorrow, it's all so exciting!!! We picked out the carpet and paint for the 2 bedrooms, I've ordered the cable and internet installation and signed up for Voice Over IP service (this is instead of a phone) It's all coming together.... now if only Jamie were here!

Tuesday, May 24, 2005

I am very tired today. I stayed up late watching Season 3 of "24" I gotta tell you that watching "24" on DVD is the way to do it. the 4th episode left me so anxious for more that instead of going to bed, I popped in the next disk and watched the 5th one.... luckily that one ended without so much of a cliffhanger and I was able to go to bed. I can't imagine having to wait a whole week to see the next one!!! Ih yes I can... let me think back to season one.... torture, that's what I would call it... torture!

Friday, May 20, 2005

Well Star Wars was amazing!!! It made up for the Phantom and Clones. I completely enjoyed almost every minute. I say almost because the wanna-be love scenes were terrible but all Star Wars fans accept that the love scenes will be bad so it doesn't really matter. Katherine loved it too! We lucked out on the line. I got to the theatre about 2 hours early to get in line and saw several different lines outside for the movies different times. I couldn't find our showing so I had to ask at the front and YAY ours was inside. We didn't have to sit in the sun for 2 hours. Another bonus was that they didn't show commercials. They went straight to the previews. I don't know why but it sure was nice. All the questions were answered, all the fight scenes were exciting, the visuals never looked cartoony. If you haven't seen Phantom or Clones, you are ok to see this, it stands alone. I want to rewatch the original Star Wars now!!!!

Thursday, May 19, 2005

YAY!!!! It's finally here! Star Wars day!!!! I am leaving work at 2pm to go get our place in line. How very exciting!!!! May the Force Be with You!

Monday, May 16, 2005

I'm up to about 125 photos that I am printing from my time overseas and I still have 10 albums left to look at... I have already looked at over 50 albums though... considering I took over 2000+ pictures...

Three weeks from today we get the house!! Woo-hoo!!! Only 3 more days til Star Wars!! Woo-hoo! Only 4 more days til Fiesta Friday Lunch at King Taco!!! Oh all the fun! Stop me!

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Here we are at the pool at the new Wynn Hotel in Las Vegas. We had a great time for mothers day. Here are the pics:   Wynn in Vegas
The drive was good but it took 1 hour and 45 minutes to move 1 block on the strip to get into the hotel's valet parking! When we left yesterday, they told us it would be 45 minutes to get the car... well I worked my magic and got it in 5 but still!!! They sure have a few kinks to work out. The room was beautiful and luxurious and the casino was very nice. All the dealers were friendly and had a personality and seemed to want to be there. For those of you that have played in Vegas lately, you know how rare that is! All in all it was a great trip, we all missed Jamie though :(
Posted by Hello

Monday, May 02, 2005

Off a bit early today to pack for a work trip to Palm Springs for the week. Jamie also leaves tomorrow.. :( Hopefully he will be back in time to help with the move!
Looking forward to the weekend.. Vegas Baby Vegas!!! Grandma got 2 free nights at the new Wynn casino so she, my mom and I are going for Mother's Day. Woo-hoo!!! I'll be sure to post pics as I am sure you are all curious about the Wynn. See ya!