Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Just for s's and g's, here is a cute pic of Orangie. We have stairs going into our bedroom and she has taken to sitting on them so I put a mouse in front of her and she just kept staring at it. Cute though, she's trying to decide what to do...

And now I shall bore you with pics from NYE. We hosted our 3rd annual New York, New Year Poker Party. (We celebrate NYE at 9pm and everyone goes home by 11 and we are in bed by 11:30!! It's wonderful!!!) We had such a great time and a great turn out. There were 15 people and we even had 3 poker tables going!!

Kelsey (Megann's friend), Megann my cousin, Renee my cousin, Renee's friend Jeremy

Avi, Jamie (my handsome man), my Aunt Sue

Me looking like an idiot taking a pic of myself

Playing poker!!

Playing poker!!

Grandma, Grandpa, Karen (Alisha's friend), Alisha (my brothers girlfriend)

Mom, Uncle Mike and Grandma

My brother Derrick and my mom