Monday, July 30, 2007

7 years.... Saturday was my 7 year anniversary with Nestle. Time sure flies by. My boss just gave me a card that says congrats. That was so thoughtful of him! YAY for remembering my anniversary and extra yay since I forgot it!

We had a great weekend. Jamie got to hold a 5 week old baby girl (oh she's cute and he was cute holding her!) Had lunch with one of my best friends, my cousin Renee, on Saturday and got the lowdown on her goings on. Hell froze over and my mom bought wine! I'll let you mull that over for a moment and explain more later... Jamie was given another bed at the community garden and this new one is BIGGER!!! What in the world is he going to do with all that space? I spent some more time admiring my beautiful garage (spent 10 hours last week organizing and cleaning it. Heaven, sheer heaven :) We had the family over for poker and dinner and I won $13. Hmmm, oh yeah the cat killed a blue jay and another bird. Lovely gifts for us. How do we tell her we love her but not her gifts? Best of all, I got the ok to start my menopause inducing drugs for IVF today, YAY! I start them tomorrow and hope to be pregnant by early September.

So story time about my mom. Her tv died and Jamie now works for Sony. So he played middle man and got her a big beautiful tv that she paid for (don't want you all thinking we are rolling in so much dough that we can buy everyone tv's) Well she thought this was a big enough deal to warrant a gift and she bought him 2 bottles of wine. No big deal?? Well she hasn't purchased a drop of alcohol since BEFORE she was 21 (she used to plop me on the counter at the liquor store to prove she was old enough.) So this is a huge deal!!! Even if you aren't impressed, know that I am. My mommy loves my hubby enough to break a 30 year drought.

Enjoy your day and feel free to come admire my garage anytime. And yes, I mean it when I say I love it, if you have something you want organized, please let me know. I would be overjoyed to help!

Friday, July 27, 2007

Here they are!!! Pictures from Colorado!!!


A couple of my favorites...
Jamie looking so cute and happy in the rain in Breckenridge.

The Keeney family out with Grandma Hazel in Denver.

Jamie lovin on me in the rain :)

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Well first and foremost, tomato picture!!!

And of course a picture of the cat (and her friend Big Orange)

Well that's it for now, I'll get working on the Colorado pictures and get them posted tomorrow. We have a GREAT time, the only bad part was how fast it went!!!

Thursday, July 12, 2007

YAY!!!! Jamie got the call last night!!! He will continue to be a working man! New job will be on the new Adam Sandler movie and he will start working on July 25th. This cuts our vacation a bit short but that's ok. You know what this really means.... new windows!!!! YAYYAYAYAYAYAYAAYAY!!!!!!

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

I received this email today -

Staff -

Please be advised, I just looked at your blog and noticed an error. I'm having a difficult time locating the link to more pictures of those delicious tomatoes. Since the link to more pictures of that darling little baby seem to work, I'm sure it's just an oversight on the part of one of your many underlings. I thought I'd bring this to your attention before more of your loyal readers start writing in to complain.

Yours truly,
Douglas James Keeney, Esq., Jr.

In response, I have created this: Jamie's Gardening Blog

Monday, July 09, 2007

A summary of my weekend in pictures. First we ate one of Jamies tomatoes. The pic doesn't do it justice. It was a lot more black inside than this with bright green seeds. Yummy!!!

On Saturday night Mandi, Michele and Renee came by for a girls night (Jamie was off camping!) Mandi made this very cute cake!

On Sunday I got to visit Baby Ella and her mommy Stacie and daddy Avi. It was her 2 week birthday!

Just in case you have forgotten what I look like after all the tomato pictures, here I am with a very precious girl.

Click here to see more pics of Ella

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

4th of

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Here you are! More tomato pics! These are for Katherine who wanted to see how Jamie was holding them up now that they are so big.

Don't know what this ugly bug is with 2 beautiful tomatoes.