Tuesday, May 30, 2006

We had a great weekend! On Saturday we finished putting in the stepping stones and then Jamie had the idea of filling in the sides with gravel so we bought a 500 lb (not sure if that is right but it sure seemed like it!) and Tom helped up put it down and spread them around. We are both so very happy with how it turned out!!!! My cousin Renee said it almost looks like a professional designed the backyard! WOW What a compliment!


Friday, May 26, 2006

Last weekend we worked on the backyard a lot. We put those stepping stones back and bought a bunch more. We still need about 15 more and then we'll be done with that! We already put the picnic table back and it looks great! This weekend we are going to finish the stones, clean the deak and tables and consider ourselves done with the backyard!!!

I think most of you know that we let Orange Cat (Orangie) start living in the house at night (sometimes all day too when she doesn't want to leave in the morning!) She's taken to it very well as if she has been there forever! We took her to the vet today to get the big lump on her tummy removed. Well after the doctor looked at it, he said it has doubled in size and is up inside her too. They think it is breast cancer (in a cat?) so even if they remove it, it will probably come back. Since it doubled in size the price for the surgery went way up too so we decided, all things considered, to not do the surgery. Orangie was happy though because I took her back home!

Have a great 3-day weekend!!!

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

WOW! Look what we found on our roses this morning! A bee swarm. Very cool. I assume it will be gone by tonight.

Another freak thing happened this morning. Orangie brought a dead mouse in the house and ate it. I guess I am glad she ate it so i didn't have to clean it up!

Monday, May 08, 2006

We had a really good weekend that ended with Jamie and I and the Firepit in back. Verey nice and relaxing. One of my favorite parts was trying out the poker table on our new dining table! It was so nice to have it fit and not have to use a book and side table to prop up the end of it!