Friday, June 10, 2005

YAY!!! Jamie comes home today. I am really looking forward to it (obviously!) Strange to be married and never see your spouse!!!

We are moving his apartment tomorrow and all my stuff still in Nestle storage on Monday. Then we will be all done!

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Well it was a big weekend!! My mom got to work on the bedrooms while I played hostess to all the people that kept stopping by! It was great showing everyone around and it seems everyone really likes the house. They usually stop in the kitchen and go "so.... are you... um... keeping... uh this wallpaper?" I kept telling everyone no but I didn't knwo when we would be changing it. My mom's cousin Barbara just ran with it and started pulling the paper down! She has about 1/3 of it off of the kitchen. Even with the scraps on the wall, it still looks better!

The blue room is now a light green and the purple room is in the first stage of brown. Thanks to my mom for most of the paint rolling, Nancy for helping last night and doing most of the trim in the purple room, to Barbara for peeling the wallpaper and to Tom for pulling out the hideous wall heater!

Here are the before pics of the house:

Thursday, June 02, 2005

Well it's completely official!! I did the walk through on the house yesterday with my mom and Carolyn and everything looks good. Good news too that we don't have to wait the +3 days that were in the contracts, we get the house keys tomorrow! Mom and I are going to TSP the bedroom walls on Saturday and maybe even primer them, we should then be able to get them all painted on Sunday. Another goal is to get the kitchen done too, new shelp liners and all that stuff. Oh it's so exciting!!!!!

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

I was on an escalator at the Glendale Galleria the other day and I had a strange urge to kick thew person in front of me and scream at them to move over and let me pass or to start walking or something! Anything! Just don't stand there!!!! Then I realized I wasn't in England where escalater courtesy is the norm. I miss English escalaters. They are wide enough for two people and EVERYONE knows they are supposed to stand on the right and walk on the left. Here the escalators are skinny and fit 1.5 people and everyone just stands anywhere on them and no one walks up an escalator... Hmmmm wonder why we have obesity issues here, maybe if we started an escalator revolution......