Wednesday, September 28, 2005

WOW! Last night sucked! We woke up at about 2:45 to the sound of our backyard going through a tornado!! OK, I exaggerate a little bit but WOW! So most of you have heard me whine about our Eucalyptus trees and how we need to get them trimmed by about 30 feet because we were warned that strong winds could knock down some of the branches and cause damage…. Well we thought about that A LOT last night! On the news it said that the LA mountains were getting winds up to 75 mph. I can definitely believe that! At about 3:15 we heard this massive crash that sounded like a tree fell into our living room. Jamie jumped up to check it out and found that the windows on the side had burst open (they were locked) and knocked down 2 racks of cd’s. That was the crash we heard. I think I might have fallen asleep around 4 but it was a fitful sleep so I am ready for bed now. When we got up we realized that the little windows in the kitchen and bathroom were open so both rooms were covered in dirt. I get to go home and clean that up. No need to ask what we’ll be doing this weekend.

Monday, September 26, 2005

What a fantastic weekend!! The weather was absolutely perfect. On Sunday Jamie and I went to Descanso Gardens, the picture is from there. We also just hung around the house and played with our sprinker system. Some of them go on automatically at 4 am so we had no idea where they watered. We manually turned them on one by one and adjusted some and turned off some and got a bit wet. It was alot of fun and VERY empowering. I was very intimidated by the sprinkler system. You would be too if you saw the control panel (there are 2 of them!!) So anyways, it's nice to know how it all works.

On Saturday we had a guy come and clean the pot belly in the living room. Also empowering as I had him show me how it worked! YAY, no worries about burning the house down now!

We had a small group of people over in the evening for UNO night and I again got to pull out my beautiful china (I don't think Jamie minds me calling it my china....) I love any excuse to use that now!!!! It was a really great evening, even though I lost at UNO... I don't like losing, but surrounded by friends... well, let's just say I can think of much worse ways to spend my time :)

Monday, September 19, 2005

This is Gen and her friend Alisha, they stopped by on Saturday on their way to a wedding reception. They just looked so dressed up! I said Gen was more dressed up than she was for my wedding!!!!

It was a good weekend. I got to hang out with my cousin Renee as we celebrated her birthday. We saw the movie "An Unfinished Life" I actually recommend it, even though JLo is in it. She was quite good though. It's just a nice relaxing storytime movie. No shootouts or wild sex scenes (sorry to disappoint some of you!)

Sunday was lovely too, we hung out with grandma and grandpa and then had Charles and his girlfriend over for dinner. The weather is just so wonderful right now! I hope it never ends.....

Friday, September 09, 2005

I have my new MP3 player and it is soooooo cute and soooo pink!!! (I know the picture is red....don't worry your eyes aren't bad.) Thankfully I was smart before I went to England. I had to convert my cd's to MP3's to get them on my old player. I then burned the mp3's onto recordable cd's. So this time around I can just load from those cd's instead of having to reburn everything (which took about 3 weeks before) So I got about 70% of it done last night and will be able to finish the rest tonight. YAY! Silver lining right.

My mom and I have started peeling wallpaper from the Kitchen and Hallway Room. I want to get the hallway room done especially because then we can rip out the wood panelling and get new drywall up. I think it will look sooooooo much better! It is a lot of fun to do stuff to the house. It is easy to feel like you accomplish something quickly since there are so many opportunities of things to do!!!

Have a great weekend, all is well :)

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

We had such a wonderful weekend!! We went to Cambria this weekend since it was a 3-day weekend and had a great time. One of the highlights was seeing elephant seals up close. My friend Carolyn had given us directions to a secret beach where you could walk right up on the sand and be at their level. We didn’t get too close though but it was really fascinating to watch them.

We also did some wine tasting and had a pretty traffic free drive home. Now here I am at work….

Thursday, September 01, 2005

So yesterday I ordered a new MP3 player. The good news (helps me feel a little better about it...) is it is PINK!!!! So if the idiot that stole it tries to steal this one, they better not be a guy or they will look really stupid. Hmmm... right about now the batteries have died on my MP3 player... I bet they feel stupid stealing it now... they unplugged it from the power cord on my desk.... they better like Bette Midler too since I have all of her albums on there and they dont have the cable or program to hook it up to a computer to change the music on it. Stupid idiots. I hate people that steal. It's just plain wrong. I won't even get into the trashy animals in New Orleans that are turning that place into more of a hell than it already was.
Hmmm... happy thoughts.... hmmm... new player will be PINK! YAY!!!