Friday, February 24, 2006

How about the title "The Next Chapter" Carolyn suggested it and I think it fits!

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Happy Tuesday to you all. As you can see, I changed the name above, well I would like to change the name but I cannot think of anything. Since yesterday was our 1 year anniversary (WOW!!!) we aren't Honeymooners anymore... jsut old, boring married people? Anyways, send me some ideas for names if you think of something.

Speaking of anniversaries, ours to be exact, we went up to Lake Arrowhead and rented a house. I hoped and hoped for snow and wow did we get it! It was in the 70s the weekend before up there and then the weather changed. YAY us! I guess all the rain on the wedding means we will always get the weather we want on our anniversary from now on. The drive both ways was beautiful and no traffic. We got to the house about 2:30 on Saturday (just about a 2 hour drive) Jamie gallantly ran into the house to find a shovel and shoveled a walk way to the house while I waited in the car. :) I'm a lucky girl! We ran all over exploring the house, threw a couple of snowballs, built a fire and then just sat around the rest of the weekend. Well pretty much. On Sunday we watched the snow fall, pretty much all day. Jamie hooked up the chains and we drove into town for lunch. I really do like it much better than Big Bear or Mammoth. It's smaller and more mountain community feeling. Hard to describe but I would go there anytime! Dinner at the house and then we watched the Godfather 2. Nothing says romantic like the Godfather!

Yesterday was nice and relaxing too, it was so nice to not have any traffic and the sky was crystal blue for the drive down the mountain. We ended our first year with a dinner at the local Star Cafe. Wonderful.

Thanks to everyone who has supported us in our first year of marriage. I really don't know what people are talking about when they say the first year is the hardest. If that was the hardest then the rest will be a piece of cake! (Chocolate I hope!)

One last note for those of you that know Sean. He came over for dinner Friday and Jamie liked him immediately. All Sean had to say was "Sure, I'll play X-Box with you!"

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

YAY! Sean is here! He got in yesterday and is over at the Glendale Hilton. I picked him up and took him to one of the most SoCal places for dinner that I could think of. (My brother would be proud) We went to In N Out! Yummy, and he liked it. It was starting to get a bit foggy and cool (he sure missed the 90 degree weather) so I took him a bit up Angeles Crest to show how easy it is to get out of the city. He was suitably impressed so we then went to Macys at the Glendale Galleria, the 5th wonder of the world and again he was suitably impressed (he actually wanted to go there as he had forgotten to pack shirts for work so he needed to buy a couple.

It was fun watching him talk to people as no one seemed to understand the poor guy. I think I'll buy him one of those portable dry erase boards like they use in diving so he can write things out.

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

OH, I forgot to add yesterday that we saw a movie over the weekend that I HIGHLY recommend. It's called MurderBall and it is outstanding. Go check it out

Monday, February 13, 2006

What a productive weekend! We got the backyard cleared by removing these old wood posts and steel rods near the area where we will have grass installed. The wood was so rotted that it almost fell apart in your hands when you picked it up, EWWW! We moved the picnic table out and took all the succulent plants that were in the planter out so now it is all ready! We stood there looking at the area and imagined the lawn and I think it may end up being one of my favorite "rooms" in the house! I can't wait for our summer BBQ to show off all the changes we did in a year!

We also had dinner at granma's for my moms birthday. They heard from my brother who had his BIG 30 yesterday. He was having a party for himself and had to leave every hour or so to shovel the walkway. It seems Virginia is getting hit pretty hard with the snow now too. My mom told him about our 90 degree weather and he said he'd rather shovel the snow. I think he's crazy and can't imagine how we are related!

I am looking forward to tomorrow. A good friend from England (Croydon to be exact) is moving here and arriving tomorrow! YAY!

Most of all though, I am looking forward to this weekend and Lake Arrowhead for our anniversary (1 whole year! WOW!!) I sure hope it snows!!!

Thursday, February 02, 2006

YAY!!! I just booked our house up in Lake Arrowhead for our anniversary weekend. If you want to see it go here:
I would like to point out how smart we were planning our anniversary to fall on a 3 day weekend! This should be really fun, my main hope is that there will be some snow so we can sit by the fire, drink some wine and watch the snow fall!